Summer Programs

 TheraCare Summer Programs are back and even better than last year!
Help your child get ahead of the curve by signing them up for a camp or class
to meet their individual needs.

New additions include Social Skills Groups and Music Therapy Groups!

Contact us for more information at 417-890-4656
or by email at [email protected]

For All Ages

Your child may be appropriate for this program if any of the following statements apply to you or your family:

  • My child receives speech therapy during the school year and I’m always afraid the break over the summer will set him/her back.
  • My child has been identified as needing speech therapy services but we haven’t started anything yet.
  • I have concerns about my child’s speech and language abilities but he/she has not been tested to see if there are areas that could be addressed.
  • My child currently receives speech therapy somewhere but they can only see him/her one time per week.

The goal of this summer intensive program is to give children a short, intensive therapy experience to boost their current skills and give parents ideas of what to be working on at home.

An up-to-date speech therapy evaluation is required and, if not completed within the past six months to a year, a new evaluation must be completed prior to attending this program.

Please contact us for more information regarding insurance coverage.

8 week session: June 6th – July 29th (3-4 days per week)

Let us know you’re interested in signing up by completing this contact form.
Make sure to include which class you are interested in your child attending.

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For Ages 4 years and up.

These small groups (limited to 6 students per group) will target skills of verbal conversation, problem solving, understanding other’s emotions/perspectives, controlling their own emotions, appropriate friendship building, and much more.

Class sizes are limited to allow for individualized, therapeutic treatment in a group setting for maximized social skills development.

Section 1 – 5 weeks: May 31st – June 30th, Mondays and Wednesdays
Section 2 – 5 weeks: July 5th – August 4th , Mondays and Wednesdays

Age groups:
3-5 years old ~ 9 am-10:30 am
6 years and up ~ 2 pm-3:30pm

5-week session: $250 – Sign up for one session or both sessions.

Let us know you’re interested in signing up by completing this contact form.
Make sure to include which class you are interested in your child attending.

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For Grades 1st through 5th grade

This camp is being offered to help children in grades 1st through 5th to increase the neatness of their handwriting. Many children have messy handwriting: over or undershoot the lines, not forming letters correctly or having improper spacing between words. This camp will show children and parents alike ways to increase skills in these areas. The sessions will be 2 hours long and will be held 1 day per week. Home activities and recommendations will be given to help the children practice skills at home.

This class is directed towards children who could use help in increasing the neatness of their printing skills. Depending on the need for the camp, more sessions and times may be added so please don’t hesitate to let us know you’re interested. The groups will be limited to 6 children so that individual attention can also be given.

This group is not intended for children who have to be forced to write or who exhibit severe behavioral reactions when asked to write. However, individual therapy sessions are available for children who are experiencing dysgraphia or the inability to form letters due to visual perception or visual motor issues.

Tuesdays and Thursdays 9-10:30

Section 1 – 3 weeks: May 31st – June 16th

Section 2- 3 weeks: June 21st – July 7th

Section 3- 3 weeks: July 19th – August 4th

3 week session: $135 – Sign up for one session or more.

Let us know you’re interested in signing up by completing this contact form.
Make sure to include which class you are interested in your child attending.

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For Ages 2-5 years old

This exciting summer camp will give young children an opportunity to “test the waters” in a safe and supportive environment before they jump into preschool or kindergarten in the Fall. Guided by a certified speech-language pathologist, children will get the opportunity to practice the important skill of interacting with peers, both in structured and unstructured play time while incorporating social aspects like sharing, communicating likes and dislikes, and dealing with emotions. They will also have opportunities to practice other significant school-readiness and listening during story time, following group directions, and following through with tasks to completion. Fun new themes will be used each week to incorporate developmentally appropriate pre-academic, pre-literacy, and language skills

Section 1 – 5 weeks: May 31st – June 30th , Tuesdays and Thursdays
Section 2 – 5 weeks: July 5th – August 4th , Tuesdays and Thursdays

Age groups:
2-3 year olds ~ 9 am-11 am
4-5 year olds ~ 1 pm-3pm

5-week session: $250 – Sign up for one session or both sessions.

Let us know you’re interested in signing up by completing this contact form.
Make sure to include which class you are interested in your child attending.

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For All Ages

These small groups will focus on a variety of goal areas and are individualized for each child participant. Social, motor, speech and cognitive skills will be addressed through the use of instrument play, singing, movement to music, and peer interaction. Socialization skills are addressed throughout the program incorporating proper greetings/farewells, peer interaction, attention span tasks and direction following. Through dance, movement and instrument playing, children will utilize and enhance fine and gross motor skills each session. Much emphasis will be placed on rhythm, which aids in the development of appropriate motor coordination. Receptive and expressive language skills are worked into each session through listening and command following tasks, singing and instrument play. As with motor skills, rhythm work with vocal tasks will also work towards speech development and improvement. Sessions are tailored and adapted to meet the needs of all group members.
Group size is limited to 8 children in order to allow individualized treatment in a therapeutic setting, and all sessions are led by Board Certified Music Therapist Leslie Jones, MMT, MT-BC


Section 1 – 5 weeks: June 1st – July 1st , Wednesdays and Fridays 1-2 pm

Section 2 – 5 weeks: July 6th – August 5th , Wednesdays and Fridays 1-2 pm

Age groups:

6 years old and younger

7 years old and up

5-week session: $150 – Sign up for one session or both sessions.

Let us know you’re interested in signing up by completing this contact form.
Make sure to include which class you are interested in your child attending.

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